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Viking Voices: What relationship is most important to you and why?

Compiled by Audra Anderson

Leslie Aguilar Second-year International Business major

Leslie Aguilar
International Business Major

“My relationship with my family. They support me unconditionally.”

Charlee Bethje Third-year Business Administration major

Charlee Bethje
Business Administration Major

“I have the strongest relationship with my dad because growing up-- I also have a younger brother-- we were never treated different, like boys versus girls, stuff like that. He probably gave me the best childhood I could have asked for.”

Bella Coronado
Visual Journalism Major

“My relationship with my sister. My parents were great too, but with a sibling, I am able to just connect with her more and relate better than I could ever with my mom or dad. We just get each other. She’s my best friend. I really don’t know where I’d be without her and her influence in my life.”

Hollie Hutchison
Philosophy Major

“My relationship with myself. Focusing on that is most important to me. That’s the one that tends to get slacked off with, so to say. It’s really easy to remember to upkeep your relationship with your mom, your dad, your friends or significant other. But that’s the one that always gets forgotten: your relationship with yourself.”

Nathan Staino
Undeclared Major

“With my sisters. Growing up together we experienced a lot of similar events, so having someone to go through that with is powerful.”

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