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Viking Voices showcases student opinions on different issues by asking them different questions.

What do you think of Western’s current parking system? How do you think it could be improved?

Michelle Phung
sophomore, international business
Morgan Scott
senior, environmental studies
“I think it’s overpriced, too crowded, there is no bike parking and it is over monitored. Making more free parking, making parking in a better location, making it a priority for bikes, making the hours less restricted and making tickets less.”
Alex Barton
senior, early childhood development
“I think it is alright. I think that some lots need more spaces, and that the price for the quarter should be lower.”
Andy Venegas
junior, management information systems
“I think it could be better, particularly the whole permit thing, like the pricing on it. That is my main problem with it.  I haven’t really thought about it that much, but I think a start would be reducing the prices.”

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