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Viking Voices showcases student opinions on different issues by asking them different questions. What is your favorite Halloween memory?

Alvin Ung
senior, computer science
    “My favorite Halloween memory was last year; I was being pushed in a shopping cart while wearing a Spiderman suit. We ordered Wendy’s drive-through, and they actually served us — it was funny.”            
Austin Cunha
freshman, undecided
    “One time in sixth grade, my mom showed me how to do zombie make up using liquid latex and things like that. I shredded my clothes with a cheese grater, put a bunch of make up on and had fake blood everywhere. There was a Halloween parade, so all the sixth graders would dress up. I brought fake blood, fake bones, the whole getup — I was completely zombified. I ended up making a first-grader cry. It was amazing. And every year since then, I’ve done zombie makeup. Halloween’s a big part of my family and I love zombie makeup.”            
Samantha Arkin
sophomore, public relations
    “I love the costumes, I always have a super-cool costume. Or I make it; even when I was a kid I would make costumes and they were really bad, but at least I thought I looked cool. This one year I saw this princess dress in a catalog. … It was a Snow Queen and my mom got it for me. It was this huge, long-sleeved, blue dress and it was puffy and had a white, boa collar. I thought I was so cool.”            
Megan Duim
sophomore, undecided
    “One time I went to a friend’s house and 30 of us all went trick-or-treating. When the 30 of us got to one house, the people were like ‘really?’ and they gave us all their candy.”              

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