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Viking Voices showcases student opinions on different issues by asking them different questions.

Has your physical self esteem changed since you’ve been in college? How or how not?

Samantha Kowals-Sargeant
sophomore, psychology
Mady Lung
freshman, psychology
“I think going to college puts your confidence in question, because you don’t really know that many people, but I wouldn’t say my self-esteem has changed. Being in a new place just changes your confidence a lot.”
Ashley Duranceau
junior, international business
“I would say I’ve become a lot more confident here just because it’s a new place, so I kind of decided to just become more confident and raise my self-esteem by thinking positively and being around positive people.”
Anna Marie Yanny
sophomore, business
“My self-esteem has definitely improved. The environment that Western creates is a very supportive community. Your first impression of people is generally that they’re kind and have good intentions. It’s a very safe and welcoming environment.”

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