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Here are the letters to the editor we received for the week of Feb. 19, 2018. Letters can be submitted to

Weighing in on the paper's name Note: This is in response to a letter to the editor from last week. I have always liked the name of the newspaper. I hear professor Glimm's thoughts, but I think his background gives him a narrow view of the term Western Front. It was not just used in WWI, but WWII as well and likely other contexts than war. I don't know what was in the mind of the student who proposed the name, nor the students that voted for it long ago. To me the name calls to mind several things 1. Western -a nod to our school name 2. Front -is a meterological term -warm front, cold front, that for me brings to mind the newspaper bringing in new information as a front brings in new weather, and 3. together Western Front marks our place on on the west coast of the USA -our country's "western front". The book and term are well known, but I don't think we should limit the pairing of the two words to the western edge of WWI. Ellen Kuhlmann 1994 Alumnus, M.S. Biology
Mailbox illustration by Hunter Smith.
Letters to the editor are not necessarily the opinion of The Western Front. The Western Front is committed to publishing letters to the editor from the community, as long as they meet the paper’s editorial standards. For more information on letters to the editor, or to submit a letter, contact

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